The cherry is the Queen of Spring that is harvested between May and June. Clean, detoxifying, diuretic and anti-rheumatic, the cherry has important proprieties to our health and beauty. There are many varieties of cherries, bright redheads with sweet taste, such as Railway, Graffioni, Giorgia and Big lory (to name a few), the Vignola dark red with intense sweet taste, the yellow Mountain cherry, and many others; Italy produces the best cherries in the world!
24 cm Cake pan
- 200 Gr. Flour
- 150 Gr. Sugar : 1 tablespoon for the surface
- 250g mascarpone
- 4 eggs
- 1 sachet of baking powder
- a pinch of salt
- 500 grams of cherries
- Drips the cherries. You can do the operation with the appropriate tool, making sure that the core actually comes out of the cherry, or in the absence of the tool you can use a tip for the sac a poche with the long spout, Place the tip of the spout in the center of the cherry and press. The operation is a little more laborious but effective! Again, make sure the core has come out of the cherry.
- Whip the eggs with salt and sugar. The mixture should be frothy and clear.
- Add the mascarpone, and when combined, add the flour sifted with baking powder.
- Add the cherries and mix them well in the mixture.
- Transfer the mixture to a baking tin lined with parchment paper or buttered and sprinkled with flour.
- Place a few more cherry on the surface and sprinkle with a little brown sugar
- Oven in a hot oven: static at 180 degrees for 45 minutes, ventilated at 175 degrees for 45 minutes