The cake roll combines light lemon sponge with chocolate cream ganache (Nutella). Rich and totally irresistible, this dessert is perfect for adults and children!
- 150 Gr. all purpose flour
- 125 grams. Sugar
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 5 eggs
- juice and zest of an organic lemon
- 1 salt outlet
For the filling
- 1 jar of nutella
- icing sugar
- Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites by putting them in two separate terrines (Both the yolks and whites are used).
- Beat until it is swollen and foamy.with the help of the electric beater, the sugar , the salt and the yolks.
- Incorporate the juice and zest of the grated lemon, yeast and flour. Stir gently until all the ingredients are well blended.
- Whipping the egg whites into stiff peaks, then gently, with movements from the bottom to the top, incorporate them to the mixture.
- Bake in a ventilated oven already warm at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.
- Wet a clean towel and turn the freshly baked cake. ( alternatively, another sheet of baking paper may be used)
- Remove the baking paper, spread with nutella then, helping yourself with the towel rolled the pan di spagna. Sprinkle to taste with icing sugar.
egg whites in the video impact