Vanilla sauce

Vanilla sauce is the ideal accompaniment to many desserts, first of all apple strudel (for recipe tap here), apple pie (for the recipe tap here) but also panettone and focaccia (for recipe tap here), not to mention wild berries or strawberries and “rote grùtze” a German specialty based on wild berries, cherries and strawberries (for the recipe click here). Quick and easy to do.
  • 250 ml milk
  • 4 yolks
  • 1 vanilla pod

Let’s start by preparing the vanilla flavored milk: heat 250 ml of milk, in which a vanilla pod cut in half has been inserted. let it infuse for 30 minutes, then filter.

In a saucepan, mix the egg yolks with the sugar and, when they become light and fluffy, dilute them with the milk. Cook in a double boiler, continuing to stir, until the sauce veils the spoon. The sauce must not boil!


The sauce can be served both hot and cold, directly on the dessert or placed in a gravy boat.


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